Main differences when using a spherical vs cylindrical indenters
Here are the main differences when using a spherical vs cylindrical indenter: Spherical Shaped Indenter Cylindrical Shaped Indenter A model should be used to fit to this data (Hayes, Hertz, Sneddon). See Mach-1 Analysis User Manual for more ...
Multi-axis Load Cell FAQ
Note that for version of Mach-1 Motion or later with an ESP302 controller + interconnection board + load cell smart connectors, the load cell calibration matrix is hardcoded and must be modified by a Biomomentum technician. How are multi-axis ...
Questions and Answers regarding Spherical Indentation of Cartilage
Is there a suggested Poisson's ratio to use when analyzing indentations? If an indentation is performed in 1 second or less, it can normally be considered "instantaneous" and a Poisson's ratio of 0.5 should be used (i.e. the liquid inside the sample ...
Questions and Answers regarding the Hayes model (1972)
What is the Hayes model (1972)? The Hayes model is a mathematical model developed for indentation tests of articular cartilage. The articular cartilage is modeled as an infinite elastic layer of a certain thickness bonded to a rigid half space. This ...
General Creep function advice for the Mach-1 Motion software
Here are some recommended starting parameters: Start at P = 0.001, I = 0. If load (e.g. 3000gf) was not reached, increase to P = 0.01, I = 0. Repeat with by increasing again to P = 0.1 if load was again not reached. If the motor starts to overcorrect ...
How to perform a puncture test using the Mach-1
Equipment: https://www.biomomentum.com/accessories/sample-holder-puncture-fixtures/ https://www.biomomentum.com/accessories/kit-of-spherical-indenters/ https://www.biomomentum.com/mechanical-testers/mach-1-v500c/ There is no general standard for the ...
Help with Tensile Testing and Tensile Grips
Help with Tensile Testing and Tensile Grips Referenced Accessories: MA089/MA564: https://www.biomomentum.com/accessories/sample-holder-c-shaped-tensile-grip-opening-10-mm/ MA563: ...
How to prevent water damage/infiltration into Mach-1 motors
When using water or other solution with the Biomomentum Mach-1, it is possible to misuse the accessories and leak water into the Mach-1's motors underneath. To prevent water damage in the Mach-1 X, Y and Torsion axes, it is recommended to use bench ...
Low-Pass Filter Questions
NOTE: THIS HAS BEEN SOLVED IN VERSION BY APPLYING THE FILTER TO BOTH LOAD AND POSITION CHANNELS. In the "Load Cells" menu, the Low-Pass Filter can be activated or deactivated. Some common values are 3rd order 5Hz cutoff and 3rd order 20Hz ...
Load Cell Handling
It is important to be knowledgeable about your load cell before handling such a sensitive device. Please view the following video for basic tips on handling: https://youtu.be/ah3yxFmwBas Another particularity of single-axis load cells is that the ...