Low-Pass Filter Questions
In the "Load Cells" menu, the Low-Pass Filter can be activated or deactivated. Some common values are 3rd order 5Hz cutoff and 3rd order 20Hz cutoff.
The lower the cutoff, the more data will be filtered from the load cell's signal.
This can be used to minimize noise in a lab near a road where cars drive by or if there are other noisy machines in the room such as air conditioning.
During IMPACT or SINUSOID testing, the low-pass filter should be deactivated. Both these test types require reading rapidly changing data, and it is possible that the low-pass filter will interpret some of the high frequency data as noise.
During SINUSOID analysis in Mach-1 Analysis, the "Sinusoid" fit will also output the Phase (deg). This value indicate the delay between force and displacement and is an important data point for some viscoelastic samples. If a sinusoid test is run with the low-pass filter activated, the Phase (deg) will be incorrect. The sinusoid test should be run without the filter if the Phase (deg) result is important.

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