How to perform a puncture test using the Mach-1
There is no general standard for the puncture test,
you will need to base yourself off published articles for this.

Here is a good starting point where we performed
the puncture of heart valve leaflets:
Based on this article:
The programming looked something like this:
1. Approach indenter
approximately 2mm above the aperture and execute the following sequence to find
the surface of the sample:
Zero Load
Find Contact
Stage Axis: Position (z)
Load Cell Axis: Fz
Direction: Positive
Stage Velocity, mm/s: 0.100
Contact Criteria, gf: 10.00
Stage Limit, mm: 10
Repositioning: None
Zero Position
2. Execute the following
sequence to perform the pre-conditioning cycles:
Find Contact
Stage Axis: Position (z)
Load Cell Axis: Fz
Direction: Positive
Stage Velocity, mm/s: 0.417 (25 mm/min)
Contact Criteria, gf: 500
Stage Limit, mm: 10
Stage Repositioning: None
Save data as “___.txt”
Move Absolute
Amplitude, mm: 0.000
Velocity, mm/s: 0.417
Save data as “___.txt”
3. Wait 5 minutes for the tissue
to return to its normal state (ensuring the tissue stays hydrated over this
4. Execute this final sequence
to perforate the sample:
Zero Load
Find Contact
Stage Axis: Position (z)
Load Cell Axis: Fz
Direction: Positive
Stage Velocity, mm/s: 0.100
Contact Criteria, gf: 10.00
Stage Limit, mm: 10
Stage Repositioning: None
Move Relative
Amplitude, mm: 8.000
Velocity, mm/s: 0.417
Save data as “___.txt”
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