Camera related errors (Error: 5003, Error -200279)

Camera related errors (Error: 5003, Error: -200279)

The camera integration into Mach-1 Motion is very intensive on the PC. If Mach-1 Motion is not able to run smoothly and starts losing data, an error will appear.

To minimize the likelihood of camera errors, try the following suggestions:
  1. ALWAYS save to a local drive and not a server location.
  2. Keep a low fps (framerate)/high frame interval while recording (more images per second will cause more strain on the PC). For example, if only 1fps is necessary, do not use 5fps unnecessarily.
  3. Close other resource intensive software while running Mach-1 Motion.
  4. If you need to record at a high fps (high framerate), keep the test time short.
  5. Use a fast drive (e.g. use an SSD instead of HDD).
  6. Be careful not to fill up your drive. The BMP images can 5mb each and can rapidly take up open space on a drive.
In the cases where a higher framerate is needed, or where the images are less important than the test data, Basler Pylon / FLIR SpinView software are good alternatives to Mach-1 Motion's integration. These pieces of software are made by the camera's manufacturer (Basler or FLIR). They allow for compression of images, allocating a buffer and dropping frames.

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