Camera related errors (Error: 5003, Error: -200279)
The camera integration into Mach-1 Motion is very intensive on the PC. If Mach-1 Motion is not able to run smoothly and starts losing data, an error will appear.
To minimize the likelihood of camera errors, try the following suggestions:
- ALWAYS save to a local drive and not a server location.
- Keep a low fps (framerate)/high frame interval while recording (more images per second will cause more strain on the PC). For example, if only 1fps is necessary, do not use 5fps unnecessarily.
- Close other resource intensive software while running Mach-1 Motion.
- If you need to record at a high fps (high framerate), keep the test time short.
- Use a fast drive (e.g. use an SSD instead of HDD).
- Be careful not to fill up your drive. The BMP images can 5mb each and can rapidly take up open space on a drive.
In the cases where a higher framerate is needed, or where the images are less important than the test data, Basler Pylon / FLIR SpinView software are good alternatives to Mach-1 Motion's integration. These pieces of software are made by the camera's manufacturer (Basler or FLIR). They allow for compression of images, allocating a buffer and dropping frames.
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